miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Enciclopedia y orden mecánico del mundo

Newton. William Blake.

"Cuando oíamos hablar de los enciclopedistas o abríamos un volumen de su ingente obra, parecíamos como si penetráramos por entre los innumerables carretes y telares de una gran fábrica y ante el estruendoso girar y resonar, ante el mecanismo que desorienta los ojos y el sentido, ante la incomprensibilidad de una administración que se articula del modo más diverso. Contemplando lo que es necesario para producir un trozo de paño, se siente que nos molesta hasta el traje que llevamos sobre el cuerpo."
Goethe. Poesía y verdad. III, 11.


And all the arts of life they changed into the arts of death
The hour glass contemned because its simple workmanship
Was as the workmanship of the plowman & the water wheel
That raises water into Cisterns broken & burnd in fire
Because its workmanship was like the workmanship of the Shepherd
And in their stead intricate wheels invented Wheel
without wheel To perplex youth in their outgoings & to bind to labours
Of day & night the myriads of Eternity. that they might file
And polish brass & iron hour after hour laborious workmanship
Kept ignorant of the use that they might spend the days of wisdom
In sorrowful drudgery to obtain a scanty pittance of bread
In ignorance to view a small portion & think that All
And call it Demonstration blind to all the simple rules of life

William Blake. The Four Zoas.

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